entrepreneur, women in business, success, christian business, boss babe
entrepreneur, women in business, success, christian business, boss babe

Level Up Ladies is an action plan designed to see women step boldly into the business world carrying the tools of the Word of God for success. Join us monthly for a free webinar hosted by Karen Conrad to see your business explode with purpose and value. Karen takes her 35+ years of business experience combined with her Biblical teaching gift to help you find the Lord’s plan for your destiny. You won’t want to miss the teaching or the connection of joining other ladies in leveling up for business success.

Level Up Ladies is an action plan designed to see women step boldly into the business world carrying the tools of the Word of God for success. Join us monthly for a free webinar hosted by Karen Conrad to see your business explode with purpose and value. Karen takes her 35+ years of business experience combined with her Biblical teaching gift to help you find the Lord’s plan for your destiny. You won’t want to miss the teaching or the connection of joining other ladies in leveling up for business success.

Mentorship, Level Up Ladies, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Women in Leadership, Biblical Principles, Business Training, High L

We Have Some News For You

Happy New Year Ladies. The kickoff for this year has been filled with fun and family and some exciting changes we want to let you know about. Level Up Ladies has been one of the most rewarding endeavors our team has participated in since we became a team. We are incredibly grateful for the time you invested this past year in attending and interacting with the webinars, both live and streamed....
Mentorship, Level Up Ladies, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Women in Leadership, Biblical Principles, Business Training, High Level Leadership, End of Year, Year End Review, Goal Setting

Merry End of Year Coming At Ya

It is a prudent decision to do some end of the year review/clear out/evaluation, whether for personal, business or relational areas of your life. Once a year is not too often to put everything on the table and ask the Lord what He wants you to pick up for the coming year. Businesses have practical tools to help the reviewing process, like running final reports, making backups, and going over...
Thanksgiving, Gratitude, Mentorship, Level Up Ladies, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Women in Leadership, Biblical Principles, Business Training, High Level Leadership, Goal Setting, End of Year

Something to Watch After Your Turkey Dinner

Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are enjoying family, good food and some well deserved rest. Of course, I am only talking to the Level Up Ladies who are in the USA. Thanksgiving is exclusively American and we do love our turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie. For those of you who are not watching football or just those of you who missed our Tuesday webinar discussing mentorship, you can watch it...
Mentorship, Level Up Ladies, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Women in Leadership, Biblical Principles, Business Training, High Level Leadership

Do I Need a Mentor?

What is mentorship? The simplest way to define mentorship is to think about it in its most usual form – a helping relationship in which one person, usually more experienced or senior, takes time to assist the career, professional or personal development of someone else, who is known as a mentee. Mentorships are most often a one-to-one relationship but are sometimes conducted in groups. A...
Christmas Decor, DIY, Staging for Christmas, Holiday Season, Hospitality, Decorating at the Beach, Holiday it Up, Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business

I Hope You Didn’t Miss It!

Just in case you missed our Christmas webinar, you can watch it here on YouTube. We had so much fun with Karen and Dave talking about developing a peaceful, beautiful atmosphere in your holiday home. Christmas decor can be delightful whether you make it yourself or you purchase it. There was a little bit of both during the webinar so be sure you make time to watch before you begin putting up...
Christmas Decor, DIY, Staging for Christmas, Holiday Season, Hospitality, Decorating at the Beach, Holiday it Up, Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business

Christmas in October

The retail world is already full of Christmas, with all the shiny, trendy new decorations for this year. No matter that it isn’t Halloween yet and Thanksgiving is becoming a smaller and smaller celebration every year. But for the DIYers in our midst, it is good to get a headstart on the holidays. This month, Level Up Ladies is going to do something fun and we hope you are gonna love it! Karen is...
Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business, Communication, Marketing, Obstacles, Victories

We want to see you on Saturday

Have you had any obstacles in your way recently? Have you looked around and felt like you were hedged in on all sides? Are you thinking you don’t want to answer another email with a subject line: Just one more question? Obstacles or challenges tend to come in waves, or seasons. I am incredibly grateful to the Lord for taking care that I don’t have more coming toward me than I can handle. Even...
Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical

You Are Not Alone

One of the major issues for women in leadership today is being a single mother. I am well aware of the obstacles that come with this issue, as I was a single mother for 10 years during my son’s teens and early twenties. He and I walked the path of allowing the Lord to be father to the fatherless and defender to the widow. It was not an easy road to travel, but I received more direct revelation...
Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business, Communication, Marketing, Obstacles, Victories

Get Out of My Way!

The path to success is littered with obstacles and failures but also with advantages and victories. It takes both sides to reach the goal of success and the value of each side is significant. A baby doesn’t learn to walk without falling down, a child doesn’t learn to ride a bike without tipping over and a successful businessperson can’t achieve victory without failure and frustration. Growth...
Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business, Communication, Marketing, Connect with your Customers, Digital Marketing, Social Media

Make A Connection

When you have a desire to make a connection with a person, the first step is getting to know them. It is helpful to know their background, how they think, what they like to do, where they like to spend their time, and what is important to them. This is also the process for getting to know your customer. Identifying your ideal customer is where your business communication begins. There is no need...

2024 Goal Planning Worksheet


webinar, entrepreneur, side hustle, business

Our latest Level Up Ladies webinar is now available! Feel free to leave us a comment or ask questions.

boss babe, webinar, business webinar, success,