Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business, Communication, Marketing, Connect with your Customers, Digital Marketing, Social Media

When you have a desire to make a connection with a person, the first step is getting to know them. It is helpful to know their background, how they think, what they like to do, where they like to spend their time, and what is important to them. This is also the process for getting to know your customer. Identifying your ideal customer is where your business communication begins.

There is no need to try to sell chlorine tablets to someone who does not own a swimming pool. And you would waste your time trying to sell a lawnmower to an apartment dweller. Take the time to find out who would be interested in your product and if they are the decision maker. For example, you may be selling mini-skirts and crop tops that appeal to teenage girls, but those girls are not ultimately the ones spending the money, their parents are. That fact would change your communication somewhat. 

Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business, Communication, Marketing, Connect with your Customers, Digital Marketing, Social Media

I have invited my daughter-in-law, Carly, to join me on our next webinar, August 22, 2023, titled The Art of Communication, Connecting With Your Customer. Carly has been involved in digital marketing for the past decade. Her passion lies in helping small businesses harness the power of social media to generate leads and achieve remarkable growth. Carly’s strategic approach, combined with a deep understanding of online platforms, makes her a sought-after advisor in the world of digital marketing. We will be discussing a wide range of communication topics that you don’t want to miss. Register now.


Karen Conrad