Bring Your Company
Vision to Reality
Open up Possibilities for Tremendous
Growth & Expansion
Let’s Talk About Your Company…
What You Can Expect
System Improvements
Comprehensive system designed to ignite your Vision, Marketing, and Results.
assessments & strategies
An individualized assessment of challenges and a strategy to overcome obstacles.
Onsite visits for training your entire team with tools to fulfill your action plan.
Many businesses today are stuck holding a big vision, but lacking the insights or time to determine how to move forward from where they are to where they want to be. This program of systems and templates creates simplicity in your business, recognizes opportunities, builds a growth plan, and brings results. I have had the privilege of working with a variety of organizations, businesses, and ministries (TBN and AWMI ) to facilitate their growth through this proven system that produces dramatic results. Our team also offers onsite visits to provide intensive training for your entire team. Once your plan is developed, we come to train your team to use the tools and systems needed to fulfill your action plan. Drawing from decades of experience we are able to provide intensive business training and high-level coaching for both midsize teams and large corporations.
Karen Conrad
About Karen
She has done consulting with major ministries and corporations resulting in reorganization and increased revenue beyond any projected analyses. Her purpose, to bring vision to reality, will be an asset to your business or ministry.
Exclusive Content
You will have access to the systems, templates and worksheets Karen has developed to streamline any reorganization/expansion you hope to see in your company.
Karen’s business teachings have solid Biblical foundations and are available in the shop. Each teaching has a summary, study guide and a powerpoint available to be used privately or with a team.
““I wish I had plugged into your teachings about business and purpose sooner. Hearing a Christian woman talk about marketplace ministry and going for it; how to start your own thing while working for someone else; how to use what you have; find your advantages, etc….you just don’t find many voices you feel you can trust or relate to on the subject.””
T. Easley Freelance Graphic Artist, Mother
Let’s Connect Today
Contact us to schedule a consultation and start seeing the growth you desire in your organization.