The retail world is already full of Christmas, with all the shiny, trendy new decorations for this year. No matter that it isn’t Halloween yet and Thanksgiving is becoming a smaller and smaller celebration every year. But for the DIYers in our midst, it is good to get a headstart on the holidays. This month, Level Up Ladies is going to do something fun and we hope you are gonna love it! Karen is bringing her creative husband into the free webinar mix and not only showing some make-your-own stuff, but also how to stage your home for the holidays.

Christmas Decor, DIY, Staging for Christmas, Holiday Season,  Hospitality, Decorating at the Beach, Holiday it Up, Level Up Ladies, High Level Leadership, Business Training, Entrepreneurship, Life Purpose, Level the Playing Field, Biblical Principles, Women in business, Entrepreneurs, Level up, Women, Business

Hospitality is an important part of business relations. You can see a whole different side of a team member by visiting their home. And you are sharing a huge part of yourself by inviting colleagues into your own home. The Holidays are a great time for visiting and deepening relationships. 

You may not be quite ready to step into the holiday season, but we want to help you get there. Karen and Dave may even share some fun ideas for Christmas decorating at the beach. Who knows what will happen, but it will be good fun. Join Karen Conrad for some holiday creating on our free webinar: Staging for Christmas October 24 at 7pm CT. Register today.


Let’s Holiday It Up,

Karen Conrad