Once upon a time, I made my first trip into Big Lots! and now I am living happily ever after. Generally I have specific places to get my favorite things, like Lowe’s, Hobby Lobby, HomeGoods, and Home Depot, but Big Lots! has never been on my radar. (This doesn’t...
Once upon a time a real estate agent observed the way empty houses took much longer to sell than houses which still had occupants. Since it can’t be guaranteed a house will still be occupied when it goes on the market, real estate agents everywhere got creative....
Happy New Year Ladies. The kickoff for this year has been filled with fun and family and some exciting changes we want to let you know about. Level Up Ladies has been one of the most rewarding endeavors our team has participated in since we became a team. We are...
One of the major issues for women in leadership today is being a single mother. I am well aware of the obstacles that come with this issue, as I was a single mother for 10 years during my son’s teens and early twenties. He and I walked the path of allowing the Lord to...
The path to success is littered with obstacles and failures but also with advantages and victories. It takes both sides to reach the goal of success and the value of each side is significant. A baby doesn’t learn to walk without falling down, a child doesn’t learn to...
When you have a desire to make a connection with a person, the first step is getting to know them. It is helpful to know their background, how they think, what they like to do, where they like to spend their time, and what is important to them. This is also the...