It is a prudent decision to do some end of the year review/clear out/evaluation, whether for personal, business or relational areas of your life. Once a year is not too often to put everything on the table and ask the Lord what He wants you to pick up for the coming year. Businesses have practical tools to help the reviewing process, like running final reports, making backups, and going over bottom lines with your accountant. In your personal life, you can take stock of where you are physically, spiritually and emotionally and where you want to be next year. Relational reviews could involve evaluating time spent, finances required and desires for expanding your reach. All of these things are wise to consider as one year comes to a close and another year begins.

Year End can mean anything from last chance opportunities to donate, final tax write-offs, shopping the after-Christmas sales, New Year’s resolutions and racking up miles on your airline apps. It can also mean seeing family, visiting friends, attending church services and making decisions to change your life for the better. Whatever you have on your year end agenda, we want to help. Join us for the next Level Up Ladies free webinar: Merry End of Year Review and Goal Setting. December 19, 7pm CT. It will be good to do this together.
Register today!
Karen Conrad