Several of our properties came with sheds included in the purchase. From our very first project in Florida, the sheds have actually been a source of mystery, adventure and a bit of danger. Our process with a shed usually begins by deciding whether the structure is in good shape and whether it is legal. You would be surprised how many structures are erected or moved onto a property without a permit.
The unpermitted structures make a problem for us when we are applying for permits to do the reno work, so it helps to know in advance. Our next steps usually center around what exactly is inside the shed. We have been greeted by junk from floor to ceiling, hornets, geckos (ran right over my sandaled foot) and at our most recent purchase in Vero Beach, treasure!
Because we purchase properties needing work, we often need to haul off loads of junk before demo day begins. We have hauled away old televisions, mattresses, more old refrigerators than I can count, some very interesting things and some very icky things. Each time a shed is involved, we approach it with some trepidation. People use storage sheds for some crazy stuff!
Levi and Carly are the property managers for our team and they also do much of the reno work themselves. At this new property they opened the door of the shed, stepping out of the way for anything to fly out if necessary. When they looked in, there was an ominous something covered with a tarp. Carly was happy to stand outside and film while Levi removed the tarp to reveal ….a BRAND NEW washer and dryer! A surprise treasure is much better than a surprise nest of hornets. We love what we do!
Looking for treasure,
Karen Conrad