Sometimes property investing and all it entails is like a bunch of old sayings. Here are a few we have experienced.

These have come to mind more than once on our property owner’s journey and I expect will continue to be part of our story. Some bloopers and blunders were of our own making and some were leftovers for us to find and fix. Whatever the case, we have found laughter to be the best medicine and we have some great stories.

Whether the blunders you encounter are built-in, jury-rigged, accidental or just the practice at the time of building, you will encounter your share. The best plan is to pray about it, talk to your team, then try to make lemonade from the lemons you encounter.
Our family has so much fun working together on projects because we don’t take ourselves too seriously. As a matter of fact, there is far more laughter than frustration on our job sites for this very reason. We are learning and growing and doing what we love. Life is a sweet blessing and we are living it to the fullest!
Making Lemonade,
Karen Conrad