There were a whole lot of crazy challenges to overcome in 2022, but once again, the Lord has shown Himself faithful in every way. The Father is far and away more faithful than we can fathom with our minds. He is also the definition of kindness and the picture of love. Living life with Him is the best decision anyone can make. We are very glad to be on this journey of abundant life in Christ with you as well.My team and I are incredibly grateful for your prayers, support and response to our content over the course of 2022. We cannot express to you in mere words how grateful we are for everything you are to us. Your generous hearts have made it possible for us to send free materials to help entrepreneurs, both women and men in underserved countries. You have made it possible for new materials and programs to be developed and for the word to be spread beyond our boundaries.

Reflecting on this year as it comes to a close, we want to say thank you, God bless you and may the Lord give you a prosperous new year. Let us hear from you, any time.
With love,
Karen Conrad
PS. Don’t forget 60 Days of Purpose: A Devotional Journey to Define Your Destiny & Achieve True Success. It will change your life.
Be on the lookout for new webinars starting in February. Level Up Ladies. Inspiration, Information and Innovation for women in business.