The Process of Success
Working outside your purpose can be frustrating. What has God shown you and what do you want to accomplish? What is your vision? Your vision will be unique to you. It will connect with God’s unique purpose for your life. Your vision will be something you love to do and are passionate about. You need to measure everything you do by your purpose and vision.
Purpose is not your job or business, but your purpose fuels success in those areas. Working out of your purpose allows you the opportunity to live in perpetual success and satisfaction. ‘Many plans are in a person’s mind, but the LORD ’s purpose will succeed.’ Proverbs 19:21 CEB. What a comfort those words are: the Lord’s purpose WILL succeed. When you align your life with His purpose, you WILL succeed. Always believe something wonderful is going to happen. It’s a promise.
Believing for the wonderful,
Karen Conrad
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