A glass ceiling is an invisible hindrance, something you are not fully aware of which limits your success. It is a tool the enemy uses to distract you from fulfilling your purpose. These limitations can be placed on you by others, but often they are self imposed. No matter where limitations come from, God is the One who removes them.
“So be content with who you are, and don’t put on airs. God’s strong hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time. Live carefree before God; he is most careful with you.” (1 Peter 5:6-7 MSG).
Learning to see yourself as God sees you, and knowing the value He places on you, will give you the courage to push through any glass ceiling you face.
“For you stand beside me as my hero who rescues me. I’ve seen with my own eyes the defeat of my enemies. I’ve triumphed over them all!” (Psalm 118:7 TPT).
As we approach Father’s Day remember that the Lord cares for you like a father and rescues you like a hero. Could there be anything more comforting than knowing the God of the Universe will shatter any glass ceiling you are facing and will guide you as gently as a father?
Happy Father’s Day,
Karen and Dave
Dave and I are with WealthBuilders at the Kingdom Business Summit at Charis Bible College this week! I’m teaching on the Promise of Purpose and how understanding purpose is key to your sustained personal and business success. I’m making my session notes available on my website for my friends. Have a look!