Effective Entrepreneur

Do you have a passion or interest that energizes you, even though it is hard work?  What is the thing you can’t seem to walk away from?  Have you ever considered turning your passion into a business?  ‘Many plans are in a person’s mind, but the LORD ’s purpose will succeed. ‘  Proverbs 19:21 CEB.  God has an amazing purpose for your life that could include starting a business.

You can begin walking the road to start a business by attaining the skills necessary to be at the top of your field.  Partner with the wisdom of God and research the systems related to your market.  ‘Remember the LORD your God! He’s the one who gives you the strength to be prosperous in order to establish the covenant He made with your ancestors—and that’s how things stand right now. ‘  Deuteronomy 8:18 CEB.  Because your Partner knows all things, you will have a definite edge in your market!


Karen Conrad

Your Situation Is Near & Dear to the Father

Isn’t it powerful when God illuminates a signature verse that becomes especially important to us and close to our hearts? In today’s episode, we’re looking at one of Karen’s signature verses that brought immense peace to her during a very difficult time in her life. In Psalm 68:5, we see that our personal situation is near and dear to the Father’s heart. When we allow Him to lead, He steps into our situation to do the complete work of a loving Father and takes us to a place of joy!

“To the fatherless he is a father. To the widow he is a champion friend. To the lonely he makes them part of a family. To the prisoners he leads into prosperity until they sing for joy.” -Psalm 68:5 (TPT)