For the lovers of God may suffer adversity and stumble seven times, but they will continue to rise over and over again. But the unrighteous are brought down by just one calamity and will never be able to rise again. Proverbs 24:16 (TPT)
I’ve come to realize that every opportunity for success I’m presented with also has the risk of failure. The Father doesn’t protect us from risk automatically because it would hinder us from the opportunity to be successful. He understands that we will make mistakes as we learn to walk in belief and trust, but He causes those mistakes to bring about growth. Despite failures, you are still loved and accepted by God. Hebrews 10:38 encourages us not to pull back or shrink in fear. And Ephesians 1:6 says that you are made accepted in Jesus. You can rest assured that His love for you doesn’t change with your successes or failures.
The Bible gives us the definition of success and failure. Success is persistence to accomplish a desired outcome no matter how long it takes. And failure is quitting before the desired outcome is reached. It doesn’t say that you do not fall. God looks on your heart, and when you persist in believing and acting upon His Word, you build on His sure foundation. In Hebrews, the writer says that Abraham was counted as righteous because he believed, even though at first he quit holding on to God’s promise. Keep in mind on your way to becoming successful, you will likely experience some failures, but don’t quit or give up!
Activation: Have you looked at failure as ultimate defeat or as a stepping stone to success?
Journal through your thoughts on success and failure. Ask the Lord to show you how He sees success and failure.
Declaration: By the grace of God I will rise over and over again. My mistakes will not be my downfall but will be a step into wisdom and growth.
My new book, 60 Days of Purpose: A Devotional Journey to Define Your Destiny & Achieve True Success, launched on Tuesday! You can purchase it on my website, but for a limited time (until November 30) it is a free gift, along with my Promise of Purpose mug, for any donation of $50 or more. Dave and I have been using it in our morning prayer time since it arrived at our home in mid October and we are being blessed all over again. I hope you will get one for your friends and family members who would benefit from a fresh look at life and what God has destined for them.