No matter who you are, what your background or where you are starting from, God’s plan for you is to finish strong and be successful. God has designed you for great potential and for great success. Your dreams are important to the Lord and He wants you to be successful in all your endeavors. 

When you seek the Lord first and obey His voice you can be assured of success

inspirational, dreams, hopes, goals, aspirations, just do it

He lets you plant and water, but He is the one who guarantees the harvest. He is the one who placed the gifts and talents within you for the purpose He designed for you from the beginning of time. He gave you those dreams.

Some days you may feel you have no ideas and limited natural abilities, but let me encourage you to remember what the Lord has available for you. ‘Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. ‘  Isaiah 43:19 AMP.  Be aware of the things He is causing to spring up–ideas, opportunities and people–knowing with the Lord that nothing is impossible.

Revisit Your Dreams,

Karen Conrad

PS. Look for Episode 22 in The Promise of Purpose series on YouTube today. Hear Karen talk about the favor of God on your life.


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Copyright Karen Conrad 2021