The world has become a scary place to raise children. These days a parent needs superhero vigilance to be able to take their children out in public. Children are no longer safe doing the simple things their parents did growing up. Unsupervised play in the neighborhood, reading in the children’s section while parents shop, meeting friends at the local park or going to movies with friends are all outside the limits of current safety. And more recently, it is not safe to post pictures of your children on social media due to possible identity issues as adults. How is it possible to parent without imprinting your child with fear?

Parenting Without Fear, Child Safety, Identity Theft Using Facial Recognition, Children Are a Gift, Children Are a Treasure, Wisdom is Yours, Parenting With God



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Every generation deals with their own issues of what is frightful or unhealthy while raising children. Every generation has promises in the Word that are true yesterday, today and forever. You are not alone in parenting your children, even if you are a single parent. Your Heavenly Father wants your children safe even more than you do, and He is always near. Any fearful thought can be taken captive and replaced with the truth of the Word of God. 

Children are a gift from the Lord, a gift that is a treasure, not a gift that is a burden. The lies of the enemy will try to keep you from enjoying every minute with your child, but don’t let it happen. Wisdom is yours for the asking and His presence is even closer than a prayer. You can walk in discernment and peace every day of your child’s life because of the truth in God’s Word. For more about parenting free from fear, click the link below. There are teaching materials, a video series, an audio player and more available for you. Get to know the promises that are yours in Christ.

Living without fear,

Karen Conrad


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