God has a personal and unique purpose for your life. It is powerful, meaningful, exciting, and deeply fulfilling. He wants you to have happiness and success!

Discovering your purpose is easier than you think. I’m passionate about helping others bring vision to reality. I want to encourage you to recognize the gifts, talents, and grace God has already deposited in you and how He’s been preparing you all along.

In The Promise of Purpose, I share strategies for how you can…

  • Find direction for life decisions
  • Walk out your dreams on a biblical foundation
  • Eliminate fear that hinders big dreams
  • Identify and break through glass ceilings
  • Walk in blessings that are yours in Christ

You aren’t meant to be just one of the crowd. You were designed to stand out and influence the world around you.

The time is now. Unlock your purpose and step boldly into your destiny!

Check out what others are saying about The Promise of Purpose so far!



When we look at the Bible as God’s manual for living, we can find the answers to all of life’s questions. Today we find in the Word how we can be most like God—we choose to live how He made us—like Him.

‘Then God said, “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]… Genesis 1:26 AMP

‘For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.’ John 13:35 TPT

Join my husband Dave and me for Heart to Heart, as we spend time each week learning to experience God in a personal way and practicing those things in the Word that bring abundant life to our everyday lives.