When Dave and I started the Heart to Heart series, it was based on a box of scriptures he had received from his Grandma Esther. The 90-year-old box contains scripture promises that have been prayed in Dave’s family for several generations. Dave and I have made praying scripture part of our daily routine together and we had an idea. What if we made our own box and filled it with promises in our favorite translations? Well, that is exactly what we have done.
The box is hand painted and contains over 120 scripture cards. We currently have only 50 of these boxes ready for shipment, but we wanted to make them available to you. For a donation of $100 or more to Karen Conrad Ministries we will send the first 50 people one of the Promise Boxes at no charge. We are so grateful for your partnership with us and we pray for you often. Thank you for joining us on this heart to heart journey. Have a great year!
Dave and Karen