The new year is a fun time for me because I am a strategizer and I love to make a plan. I like to take a look at where I have been and where I want to go, then make a strategic plan to get there. It helps when I evaluate whether last year’s plan yielded the results I was looking for, to determine if I need to make any adjustments. I have had moments where I thought, “Geez, that didn’t work at all.” But I have also had moments where I thought, “Wow, that worked great!” Life is an adventure and I am grateful every day for the joy of the journey. 

Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Goal Setting, 2025 Planning

Yet I could never forget all your miracles, my God, as I remember all your wonders of old. I ponder all you’ve done, Lord, musing on all your miracles. It’s here in your presence, in your sanctuary, where I learn more of your ways, for holiness is revealed in everything you do. Lord, you’re the one and only, the great and glorious God! Psalms 77:11-13 TPT

Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Goal Setting, 2025 Planning

Turning 60 years old a few months ago gave me some introspective moments. I am thrilled to be where I am in life. I have an amazing husband, I have a new granddaughter, my family works together in our property and investing company, I love my job at WealthBuilders, I love home decor/design/staging and the future is BRIGHT! The Lord is just so good.

Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Goal Setting, 2025 Planning
Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Goal Setting, 2025 Planning

I have a tool I use at the beginning of each year and I want to share it with you. It is a goal planning tool that asks strategic questions to help you make a purposeful plan for 2025. You can get a downloadable copy of my goal planning worksheet HERE. It addresses various aspects of your life, including finances, health and fitness, your life purpose, long term and short term dreams. I hope you find it helpful.

Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Goal Setting, 2025 Planning

2025 is going to be a GOOD year and I am happy you are coming along with me. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Strategically speaking,

Karen Conrad Metcalfe