What are you going to be doing February 18-20, 2022?
Have you already scheduled your personal development days for next year or would you like to meet us in Denver for the WeathBuilders 2022 Conference? This weekend will be full of great teachings on everything from investing to leadership and I would love to see you there. Currently, there is a 20% discount offer available when you use the code WBKAREN.
We want you to DISCOVER God’s calling on your life. DREAM and get divine inspiration about the possibilities. And DO what is necessary to make those dreams become a reality.
Join me and other successful entrepreneurs, active investors, and experts on business as a mission at the WealthBuilders 2022 Conference in Denver CO. We are more than excited to teach you how to combine faith and finances to find your sphere of influence and make a difference in the Kingdom of God. Click here to register now.
See you there,
Karen and Dave