Got a Plan? Get a Plan!

Got a Plan? Get a Plan!

The new year is a fun time for me because I am a strategizer and I love to make a plan. I like to take a look at where I have been and where I want to go, then make a strategic plan to get there. It helps when I evaluate whether last year’s plan yielded the results I...
Counting On My Partner

Counting On My Partner

When I started my home staging business, many years ago, it was just me, my son Levi (who was a student) and the Lord. I know some people may think it is cheesy to say the Lord is my partner, but I can’t describe it any better way. I began my business because the Lord...
How Much Did You Spend?

How Much Did You Spend?

Have you ever been walking through a store and found some decor you really liked? But your next thought was: Where would I put it? or What would I do with this? or Would this even look good in my house? Then you looked at the price and decided it was too much anyway....