You tell me. Is the fear of man really a thing? Have you ever anxiously stood outside the conference room door before a presentation and thought, “What if they don’t like me? What if they don’t like the color of my suit? What if they don’t think I am good enough?” Those questions and their answers are the result of the fear of man. Beneficial questions before a presentation are: “Am I adequately prepared? Have I done my research? Did I brush my teeth?” The fear of man basically means that you care too much about what other people think of you. You identify more with others’ opinions of you than God’s opinion.

The fear of man causes you to worry about how you are perceived by other people. Sometimes your worry can cause you to step outside your purpose and destiny by trying to please others instead of God. As much as you may want to think you are universally liked by everyone you meet, it is not going to happen. On top of that, the more success you experience, the more resistance you encounter, many times in the form of the people around you. Again, the Word of God has the solution to becoming free from fear:

Of course you care about and love people and would never want to return evil for evil. But be aware, God has given you a purpose and as you walk into fulfilling that purpose, you will be criticized. Even so, you can walk confidently through life with the knowledge that you have favor with the God of the Universe and He promises to make your path straight. To get more from Karen Conrad on how to overcome the fear of man, click the link below. There are teaching materials, a video series, an audio player and more available for you. You are where you are for a purpose.
With Confidence From the Lord,
Karen Conrad
Few of us have the time or energy to sit through a series of teachings, even though we know it will help. But we have set up an audio series with its own player that is available on your phone at any time. There is no signing up or creating an account, you just click to play. You can listen to Karen Conrad teach about overcoming fear and be transformed on your way to the office or on your morning jog.
Click the link to purchase this simple audio series that could be the beginning of living your life without anxiety or fear.