The ‘down the street’ property we have been working on doesn’t have a name yet—we are waiting for the personality to emerge. For now we are calling it Samar (street name). I mentioned in the last email that a pool is in the future for this backyard, but there are some other challenges. Just over the back fence there is a path to the beach (which is a good thing) but there is also a dumpster, and the backside of a Denny’s and a motel. We want to make the backyard feel like an oasis of peace so we need a solution for this less than ideal view. 

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Key Words: Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Vacation Rentals, Property Investing, Micro-cement<br />
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Key Words: Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Vacation Rentals, Property Investing, Micro-cement<br />

Plans are already under way to put in the tallest fence that regulations will allow. We are also researching super tall plants. Thankfully, Florida has a year round growing season, making a row of bamboo, for instance, a good option. We will keep you posted on the direction we take. 

 A very fun aspect of the Samar property is our next door neighbors. There is an aviary—a large enclosure in which birds are kept—next door and the sound of the birds is delightful. There is a gate in the back fence (we will keep that feature with our new fence) to access the walking path down to the water. Bonus: it is a 2 minute walk to the water from the house.

 Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Vacation Rentals, Property Investing, Micro-cement<br />
 Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Vacation Rentals, Property Investing, Micro-cement<br />
 Hospitality, Design, Design Hacks, Remodel on a Budget, Home Staging, Home Furnishing, Personality, Design Styles, Vacation Rentals, Property Investing, Micro-cement<br />

Levi is learning a new, trending technique that we think is going to be a major game-changer in our reno projects. It is called micro cement and it can be used for covering tile in bathrooms, kitchen counters, floors and we don’t even know what else yet! It is excellent for beach areas because there are no grout lines for mold to grow in. We will keep you posted on our progress and let you see the before and afters.

Measuring fences,

Karen Conrad Metcalfe

Don’t forget to preorder my home staging book, 7 Seconds: How To Leverage The Seven Second Rule In Your Home Designs and Real Estate Investments Second Edition. You will find home staging secrets, inside information, and design hacks, plus pre orders will receive a special gift when their book ships.