A Life of Principle
You are not intended to live your life out of separate buckets. God intends every part of your life to flow out of the principles in His Word. You can make decisions based on this core foundation of truth: everything God speaks is for your good. There is no need to fret about family, professional or financial situations–there is always an answer for you in the Word of God.
In Psalms 103 you can clearly see who God is and how merciful He is toward you. As you begin to see yourself the way He sees you, a confidence can begin to grow. Everything He has for you brings life and life more abundantly.
‘A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow! ‘ John 10:10 TPT
When you walk in relationship with the Lord and line up your thinking with the Word of God, you can confidently live a life of principle.
Living in His Principles,
Karen Conrad
Grandma Esther’s Sewing Box | Heart to Heart
We experience joy and power when we pray in alignment with God’s promises. In today’s video, Dave opens up a very special box and tells a story about his Grandma Esther, who took Psalm 128:2 to heart and believed that her hard work would be blessed by God. What a beautiful reminder her sewing box has become to future generations that God blesses what is in our hands!
“You worked hard and deserve all you’ve got coming. Enjoy the blessing! Revel in the goodness!”–Psalm 128:2 (MSG)
Join my husband Dave and me for Heart to Heart, as we spend time each week learning to experience God in a personal way and practice those things in the Word that bring abundant life to our everyday lives.